When COVID19 restrictions hit Australia in March, like our fellow Australians we had to stop meeting up in groups to prevent further worsening of the pandemic. However, when you're in the game of suicide prevention, and one of the key ways you support people (mostly dads) is via weekly in-person local community groups, this is something of a challenge. Many other groups have suspended their operations and continue to remain closed until the all-clear is given. That was not an option for us.
Why vote for us?
Most of what we do is done free by incredibly dedicated volunteers. They do not get paid and they rarely get named; usually, because they do not want the credit and/or they are still in the midst of their own family cases. These quiet unsung heroes spend much of their personal time supporting others like them, keeping 100's of men from taking that ultimate step. These volunteers deserve recognition. Now is the time to do it via your vote; show them that you appreciate their hard work.
Within hours of knowing we'd have to close our groups across the country, a small group of highly dedicated people worked tirelessly and relentlessly around the clock to find, develop and roll out solutions. Within hours, two new services had replaced the now suspended in-person groups:
- An all-new online 24/7 forum which we named 'The Virtual Verandah' (pictured above), paying homage to our very first in-person meeting in on a verandah in Coffs Harbour, Fathers Day 1999.
- Almost daily online video conferencing support groups that both existing dads and any new dads could jump onto and continue receiving free support.
Whilst most organisations in our sector were still reeling from the shock of having to stop support groups, we had already rolled out finished solutions and were delivering free support as usual within a matter of hours to anyone that needed it; dads, mums and extended family and friends.
Ironically, and in an interesting twist of fate, this has resulted in some unexpected benefits:
- Our online dads support meetings have now been able to reach every dad in need across Australia, regardless of where they are, as long as they have a working internet line. This has seen numbers accessing support dramatically increase at the very same time as the support need due to COVID19 related 'child contact issues' simultaneously exploded.
- Our mum's online support, alongside our dads, went live at the same time and has seen a great many more mums than usual be able to reach out for and get support because historically they did not have an in-person group geographically local to them.
- Those who support our mums and dads (e.g. new partners, grandparents etc..) and who might traditionally attend a local in-person support group have now had their own online forum launched so that they too can now receive dedicated peer support - to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind in Australia.
Importantly, from the very onset of our new services, we continue to get a 100% recommendation from every attendee at our online support sessions. That's something of which we're hugely proud and testimony to the efforts of some amazing PBB (Dads in Distress) team members - many of them volunteers struggling to manage their own challenges.
Here's AMHF's official overview of each shortlisted organisations response to COVID-19. Whilst we'd love to have our team recognised for their achievements at this time, there is some great and well deserving 'competition' in that list. We are honoured to sit amongst them. We wish all those shortlisted the best of luck and may the best man win!
Whilst we cannot name all those involved, and some would actively shy away from the limelight, we have to name a few without whom so many would have been left without support at the most distressing of times. In alphabetical order, special thanks must go out to:
- Alan V (NSW)
- Chris C (VIC)
- Danni C (VIC)
- Ezio A (NSW)
- Glenn H (QLD)
- Joshua K (NSW)
- Pete N (NSW)
- Phil C (NSW)
- Phil L (VIC)
- Rob M (VIC)
- Shane J (VIC)
- Stephen H (QLD)
- Tania K (NSW)
- Terry V (VIC)
- Tessa C (SA)
- Tim K (NSW)
The easiest thing was to give up, walk away and come back when the restrictions were over. That never even crossed the mind of those named above. They are all exceptional humans and we're all so proud to work alongside them here at PBB.
Whether we win this award or not, a huge thank you to those names above and all those others in the background that work so hard to keep our men alive; and those in all the other shortlisted organisations! Thank you!
Recent unsolicited feedback from members of the public:
Done. I only wish I could do more. I'm only still around because of Dads in Distress. My kids still have me in their life and that's down to you guys. I can't see that anything is more important than that. Thank you so much for what you do for men like me, and on behalf of my kids. I've looked far and wide and there's nothing else out there that isn't angry, destructive or about shouting at the moon. Not sure where we'd be without you.
ReplyDeleteIt was the help and support of this group that gave me the strength to carry on when at times there appeared to be no hope. I now see my kids on a regular basis thank you for being there.